Category Archives: lifestyle

The REASON you feel ALONE


                because you are ALONE,                                                                                                             YOU FEEL ALONE because you are not at                                             peace with yourself                you feel alone because you have been   Conditioned to believe that you need another                                                                 person to complete you.                                                                                            YOU DON’T.                                                                            YOU FEEL ALONE BECAUSE                                                                                                                              YOU ARE COMPARING YOURSELF        TO OTHERS                                                you don’t have to                                                                                                                         you feel alone because yet to realize there is greater purpose of                                                                                          your life.                                                    If your mission was to do good with others                                                                   to serve others,to love others,to give your best                                                  to all ,you encounter .                                           There is no loneliness,                                                                                            Loneliness can exist in mind,                                                                                  when your 100% thinking about yourself.                                                                   and what  you DON’T HAVE                                                                                                                         & HOW TO GET IT.                                                                            Everyday you are chasing your dreams                                                            and living with passion in your soul                                                                                                 so,                                                                                                                            If you feel alone                                                                                                                               know that you don’t need others person  you live                        it’s you ,                                                                                                                                    need to grow.                                                                                                                      and commit to WORK that is                                                                                required to get that place.                                                                                         Grow yourself and the right people                                                                                        will show up that is you.

               THANK YOU

                       {Manish Ranjan}


Want To Be Successful? Quit Working So Hard

As kids we were told that hard work would take us to our goals.

As we grow older we realize that people around us and all over the world work themselves to the bone but still don’t get what they want.

The old adage “Hard work brings success” is no longer true, if it ever was.

As a kid I worked my tail off to reach other people’s goals for me. I thought that getting straight As in school was really important.

I was taught at an early age that pleasing the adults and authority figures around me was one of my highest priorities.

It’s not.

I never thought about pleasing myself. Many of us have the same problem.

We are too goal-oriented.

We don’t ask the question “I’m goal-oriented — but what does that get me? Why is the goal I’m working toward the best goal for me?

“Maybe I could have a wildly different goal — a grand vision for my life and career — if I weren’t so fixed on hitting the goals I’ve already committed to.”

We think we are really making progress when we’re charging ahead, head-down, toward one of our goals or one of our employer’s goals — but that may not be true..

When you are working your hardest, are you working toward your own goals or somebody else’s goals? Many of us go to work and plod forward on a path we didn’t choose.

When you are in head-down, nose-to-the-grindstone mode you are only working, and not thinking broadly.

You are not imagining possibilities then. You are not allowing your mind to wander and come up with impossible, incredible, world-changing ideas when your focus is simply “working hard” or “knocking down the items on my To-Do list.”

Your To-Do list will always be there, and it will never get any shorter.

The more items you tick off your To-Do list, the more items will appear. Obviously working hard on your To-Do list is not the path to success — so what is?

The path to success leads in a different direction.

Yes, it will require hard work to realize your vision, but it’s not the kind of hard work that involves working your tail off to get a promotion or a raise or a good performance review.

What difference do those things make?

This is your lifetime.

You get to decide how to make your mark on this planet. The first step on your path to success is to stop working, stop stressing, and let your mind wander.

Some people do it on a bicycle or in the tub. They take off their mental shackles and ask “If it were totally up to me, what would I do with my life?”

that was ever brought to reality started off being crazy and impractical — but then things shifted.

Your job is to envision your future first.

Later, you can refine the vision and start to see how it can become reality.

Making tiny, incremental steps along a path that your parents or your employer laid out for you is far less exciting than what you’re capable and worthy of.

Quit working so hard, and give yourself the gift of  imagining your future in brighter colours than you do now.

Write the story of the life you want. You have to see the movie in your head first —then you can make it real!

Thank you



Pick your routine:
There is no happy ending for the various episodes of life; in fact, there is no ending at all. Life and its worth are not measured in what you accomplish, it is measured in the paths you take and how you choose to walk it. Life is very easy to understand as an experience, but extremely difficult to understand as a process with something at the end of it to attain to.

The journey is our destination. Only when we pay attention to the journey we will understand the true meaning of progress. When we take eyes off the road and look too far ahead, it is very likely that we will meet with an accident. The destination manifests itself only for those who are willing to pay attention to the journey.

Too many of us are simply obsessed about getting somewhere. We do not realize the importance of the process we need to follow to get somewhere. The answer to all our questions is in the process of life, and not in the destination. So what is this journey, what is the process that will help us to understand life fully?

The process of life is picking a simple routine of activities that will help you to move closer to your goals. The process of life should always be simple, monotonous and most of the time even boring. The process need not entertain you; it need not entice and engage you. The process of your life is the routine you have chosen for yourself.

The first thing one has to understand about life is that only when you pick a certain routine for yourself and stick to it; you can begin to understand what life is. Without a fixed routine, you are simply all over the place. There is no possibility of understanding yourself and your life’s journey without picking and sticking to a routine.


Once you have finalized on the routine that you want to follow, the true process of life is learning how to stick to it. This is where one has to understand that there is absolutely nothing more important in life than sticking to the routine you have picked. All your happiness and sadness, your accomplishments and failures, your rights and wrongs, your successes and failures, everything you do in life has to be bound within the routine you have picked up.

It is your routine of life and how well it is directed towards a certain goal that determines your success and failure. If you have not finalized on a routine and have not made a firm resolve to stick by it at any cost, then there are too many paths you can take and get lost in the maze of life. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is just in the routine. Successful people have a successful routine and failures simply don’t have a routine.

Life is very easy to understand as an experience, but extremely difficult to understand as a process with something at the end of it to attain to.

The journey is our destination. Only when we pay attention to the journey we will understand the true meaning of progress. When we take eyes off the road and look too far ahead, it is very likely that we will meet with an accident. The destination manifests itself only for those who are willing to pay attention to the journey.

Too many of us are simply obsessed about getting somewhere. We do not realize the importance of the process we need to follow to get somewhere. The answer to all our questions is in the process of life, and not in the destination. So what is this journey, what is the process that will help us to understand life fully?

The process of life is picking a simple routine of activities that will help you to move closer to your goals. The process of life should always be simple, monotonous and most of the time even boring. The process need not entertain you; it need not entice and engage you. The process of your life is the routine you have chosen for yourself.

The first thing one has to understand about life is that only when you pick a certain routine for yourself and stick to it; you can begin to understand what life is. Without a fixed routine, you are simply all over the place. There is no possibility of understanding yourself and your life’s journey without picking and sticking to a routine.

Once you have finalized on the routine that you want to follow, the true process of life is learning how to stick to it. This is where one has to understand that there is absolutely nothing more important in life than sticking to the routine you have picked. All your happiness and sadness, your accomplishments and failures, your rights and wrongs, your successes and failures, everything you do in life has to be bound within the routine you have picked up.

person holding round smiling emoji board photo

➡What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? Do you feel it has benefied you as Adult?


You know how most parents tell kids to always do the right thing,   speak the truth, never cheat, never do anything you might be ashamed of later, do good to everyone regardless of what they’ve done to you and so on. Well sometimes, it backfires.

Till my school system of my life  I was so stuck on the idealism that I had imbibed due to  limited exposure and very restricted access to media that I, more often than not, was impractical. This goody two-shoes kind of attitude cost me a lot. When I went to class 12th  and met new people, I wanted to be good and please everyone. Many a times that meant doing stuff that put me at loss but hey, do good to all, right? Then I would be afraid of trying new things and discovering for myself what was my life going to be like. You can’t decide the principles that you will base your life upon using the traditional, conventional set of rules that parents, books and society say are right. You need to figure out for yourself, right? And for that you need to explore! Then other times people were mean, and I wouldn’t stand up to help myself. Why? Because I am a good person and good people can’t risk being categorized as rude or loud or anything else that you need to be in order to be taken seriously?

And then one day, my mother gave me the best advice of my life. She told me that most of the times, it’s less about being good and more about being just. You can be good and that will sure make you everyone’s favorite, but being just will give you peace and make you happy. If somebody’s unreasonably mean to you, stop pandering. Find justice for yourself and walk off with dignity. If a lie gets you or someone else, out of an unfortunate situation where you/he/she don’t deserve to be, then go ahead with it. Being good is easy, but being just needs so much courage. And i know this is not easy for you but not impossible.Find out first burning desire & then courage, rest things will be your that you ever want.A good life is that life where is happiness.😊That happiness should be without reason bceabec if you get with reason then might be end up with some  a good person won’t do wrong, but a just person won’t let wrong happen to anyone at all.

My mother asked me who I wanted to be? And suddenly I knew that all my answers ………….

Thanks you.                                                      ✍M.Ranjan