Category Archives: JEE

The REASON you feel ALONE


                because you are ALONE,                                                                                                             YOU FEEL ALONE because you are not at                                             peace with yourself                you feel alone because you have been   Conditioned to believe that you need another                                                                 person to complete you.                                                                                            YOU DON’T.                                                                            YOU FEEL ALONE BECAUSE                                                                                                                              YOU ARE COMPARING YOURSELF        TO OTHERS                                                you don’t have to                                                                                                                         you feel alone because yet to realize there is greater purpose of                                                                                          your life.                                                    If your mission was to do good with others                                                                   to serve others,to love others,to give your best                                                  to all ,you encounter .                                           There is no loneliness,                                                                                            Loneliness can exist in mind,                                                                                  when your 100% thinking about yourself.                                                                   and what  you DON’T HAVE                                                                                                                         & HOW TO GET IT.                                                                            Everyday you are chasing your dreams                                                            and living with passion in your soul                                                                                                 so,                                                                                                                            If you feel alone                                                                                                                               know that you don’t need others person  you live                        it’s you ,                                                                                                                                    need to grow.                                                                                                                      and commit to WORK that is                                                                                required to get that place.                                                                                         Grow yourself and the right people                                                                                        will show up that is you.

               THANK YOU

                       {Manish Ranjan}


Want To Be Successful? Quit Working So Hard

As kids we were told that hard work would take us to our goals.

As we grow older we realize that people around us and all over the world work themselves to the bone but still don’t get what they want.

The old adage “Hard work brings success” is no longer true, if it ever was.

As a kid I worked my tail off to reach other people’s goals for me. I thought that getting straight As in school was really important.

I was taught at an early age that pleasing the adults and authority figures around me was one of my highest priorities.

It’s not.

I never thought about pleasing myself. Many of us have the same problem.

We are too goal-oriented.

We don’t ask the question “I’m goal-oriented — but what does that get me? Why is the goal I’m working toward the best goal for me?

“Maybe I could have a wildly different goal — a grand vision for my life and career — if I weren’t so fixed on hitting the goals I’ve already committed to.”

We think we are really making progress when we’re charging ahead, head-down, toward one of our goals or one of our employer’s goals — but that may not be true..

When you are working your hardest, are you working toward your own goals or somebody else’s goals? Many of us go to work and plod forward on a path we didn’t choose.

When you are in head-down, nose-to-the-grindstone mode you are only working, and not thinking broadly.

You are not imagining possibilities then. You are not allowing your mind to wander and come up with impossible, incredible, world-changing ideas when your focus is simply “working hard” or “knocking down the items on my To-Do list.”

Your To-Do list will always be there, and it will never get any shorter.

The more items you tick off your To-Do list, the more items will appear. Obviously working hard on your To-Do list is not the path to success — so what is?

The path to success leads in a different direction.

Yes, it will require hard work to realize your vision, but it’s not the kind of hard work that involves working your tail off to get a promotion or a raise or a good performance review.

What difference do those things make?

This is your lifetime.

You get to decide how to make your mark on this planet. The first step on your path to success is to stop working, stop stressing, and let your mind wander.

Some people do it on a bicycle or in the tub. They take off their mental shackles and ask “If it were totally up to me, what would I do with my life?”

that was ever brought to reality started off being crazy and impractical — but then things shifted.

Your job is to envision your future first.

Later, you can refine the vision and start to see how it can become reality.

Making tiny, incremental steps along a path that your parents or your employer laid out for you is far less exciting than what you’re capable and worthy of.

Quit working so hard, and give yourself the gift of  imagining your future in brighter colours than you do now.

Write the story of the life you want. You have to see the movie in your head first —then you can make it real!

Thank you

That Gender “Girl” or a Boy

why I am born with an Identity of a GIRL?   

 Why I am hesitated to visit temple while I am bleeding?           

yet I am silenced.                                  

Not just me, my mother,sister,all friends.                                                   

 My mom telling me to wear skirt out less often .                                                       Nirbhya and more ,left forgotten.               So, I wear my jeans long and tops high

Don’t want to show my cleavage as a hint of my thighs.                             Because if I wear less, I am more than just flaunting it 

woman standing on the center of the road

I’M risking it.  Risking not my virginity,but my life.                                      My hymen seems to be scared.                   Told to keep it till I am a wife.                 If not , I am a whore, a slut, and more.      Not pure as I was before.

It may be Laxmi acid attacks but Laxmi could be your sister ,you y girlfriend, your cousin.                                                     We are girls,women, human not a burden.

so I always asked my male friends to    Drop me home if I am traveling by train from my college to city.                   Because his privilege will protect mine.

I am sorry dad, For  I was catcalled        in uniform at age of 9 .          

So here  I am talking and sorry where my 5 years younger brother taught me what’s wrong ,what’s right even I know  what’s right……..                              So,

if I am bleeding I am proud of myself, even pain,PMS, and more              because ,

Bleeding women can able to give a birth of child.                                                 So, I  am proud of being a Girl                   ignoring all those social shits……🤗

At last just I hope one day whole society will understand us on reality ,not just on paper .

📝📝Manish Ranjan .

   Special thanks for all reader and share if you can ..




Failure never overcome your dreams until the determination to get success is very high .” we all person are facing failure or fear in our life but is this not true ? should we stuck with that fear or failure and feeling regret instead of finding solution. How someone can pass that fear ? Today we will talk about this  how this pain effecting the lives? There is no greater pain than that of  ‘REGRET’  nothing can kill your soul more than the feeling of  ‘REGRET‘ . Never be afraid to take risk infinite going after what you really want .You may fail. You will most likely to be fail often but  failure going after dreams nothing compared to the failure going after  your dreams nothing . Compared to the failure that is setting for a life that you don’t want.
It’s never too late to try again, It’s never too late to try again , It’s never too late to commit to make this day awesome,the best of your life to create opportunities for yourself to be positive to rise above average.

achieving success

It’s mean too late thought to re-invert yourself no matter what has happened or failed to happen in your past. It’s never too late but only if you have committed, only if you want to change ,      Do you want change  ?Do you want more out of life ?  you couldn’t the first person on the earth to truth everything around. It’s not impossible , all if takes is your commitment. Your courage, your desire to be best. Most of the people don’t change because they lack of courage ,Because they fear unknown they fear of failure .  you are different .you have the courage , the courage will do left things. Don’t fear about failure. make your day awesome . success